"The Pilgrim" is an intimate and profound testimony of a process of individuation triggered by the trauma of losing loved ones. For 14 years, I have documented this experience through images and words, constructing the story of a journey that offers a new perspective on subjects such as psychic processes, grief, existence, spiritual beliefs, and love.
This book serves as a form of art therapy, shedding light on those who identify with similar experiences. In collaboration with a Jungian psychologist, an oracle has been developed. The symbolic images and progressive structure of the story provide a tool for dialogue with the unconscious. Readers can delve into their inner world, interpret their psychological and emotional processes with the help of a therapist, and discover ways of personal growth and healing.
It is worth noting that this oracle is not a Tarot, but rather presents its own system of reading, which implies the generation of new knowledge to the world.