III. Styx
“...I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
And I fear no evil because I’m blind
and I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul
But I know when I die my soul is damned”
And I fear no evil because I’m blind
and I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul
But I know when I die my soul is damned”
Through the Valley
Shawn James
Shawn James

I ran with the desperation of a possessed man. Without direction, without aim. I ran until my humanity diminished, reducing me to the most primitive state of anguish. I ran until I collapsed on the ground, only to get up and keep running.
I would run until I lost my strength, my mind, and my life, for I would prefer death to wandering like a condemned man in the midst of that Eternity, of that "nevermore", whose ghostly meaning was already slowly and schizoidly devouring the limits of my sanity.
I saw with incredulity how a mysterious structure was outlined in the sordid and numbed landscape of the horizon. It must have been gigantic, for even from a distance one could appreciate its grandeur.
However, before me stretched a dark and deep Nothingness, a stormy and devouring sea, a violent Styx.
Destiny has the characteristic of being mysterious and inevitable. I am now at the edge where I can understand its subtle language: I must reach the Other Side. But where is Flegias and his boat? Is my path so impious, my existence so profane that the only way in is to pass through the jaws of this fearsome force?